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A bequest for Milton

The intellectual legacy of John Milton has enriched the lives of millions of people and continues to resonate today. One of England’s greatest writers, he coined more new words than even Shakespeare and created Western Literature’s first antihero in his powerful portrayal of Satan in Paradise Lost.

Worldwide, his influence through his political writing has had immense impact: without Milton’s arguments on free speech there would be no First Amendment to the American Constitution. His essays on politics, government, freedom of thought, religion and divorce remain relevant – and even revolutionary – in the 21st century.

Will you help preserve that legacy through a bequest to Milton’s Cottage?

Milton’s Cottage in Chalfont St Giles is the only surviving home of John Milton: the place where he completed his epic masterpiece, Paradise Lost, and was inspired to write its sequel, Paradise Regain’d.

Today, this beautiful Elizabethan cottage holds one of the world’s most important collections relating to Milton. A magnet for Milton scholars and literature lovers, Milton’s Cottage attracts visitors from around the world. It also aims to be a hub for contemporary poetry and a cultural and educational resource for communities in Buckinghamshire and beyond.

Throughout its history Milton’s Cottage has been shaped by the generosity of individuals. From royalty to farmers to the Friends of Milton’s Cottage, gifts of money, objects and books have helped the Museum build its unique collection and gain a worldwide reputation for excellence. Will you consider joining them by leaving a legacy to help preserve Milton’s Cottage and its unique collection for future generations to visit and enjoy?

How your bequest will help

Once you have looked after your family and those dearest to you in your Will, you may like to continue your support for causes and places you cherished through a bequest. All legacies we receive (unless they are for a specific aspect of our work) go into our Paradise Maintain’d Endowment Fund, which provides an investment income in perpetuity to protect this irreplaceable literary landmark and engage future generations with Milton’s legacy. Your bequest will therefore have an everlasting impact, just as Milton’s poetry and political writing still do today, over 300 years after his death.

If you intend your bequest to support a particular aspect of our work, or to leave an item to our Collection, please discuss your wishes with our Legacy Trustee so that we can ensure that we are able to fulfil your wishes fully. You may also like to leave an informal  of letter of intention with your will, outlining clearly what your bequest will cover. Bequests to Milton’s Cottage Trust (CIO), a registered charity, are free from Inheritance Tax and may help lessen your estate’s overall liability to Inheritance Tax.

To find out more about The Lycidas Society please contact John Dugdale Bradley – Trustee on           or direct dial +44 7703 572344; office +44 1494 872313

You can also download our intentions form here: Lycidas Society_intentions form