The Guardian: ‘England hath need of thee’: appeal to save Milton’s Paradise Lost cottage‘
The Mail Online: ‘Paradise could soon be lost: £3.5m drive to save the 16th century cottage where Milton hid from the plague to write his literary masterpiece‘
The Times: ‘Owners launch appeal to save John Milton’s cottage‘
A Big Thankyou to Our Big Give Supporters
Thanks to our many generous supporters, we’re delighted to announce that we have reached our Big Give Christmas Christmas match-funding target of £7,500. This means we can claim a further £7,500 in match-funding from the Big Give – giving us a grand total of £16,459 with Gift Aid.
This support will enable us to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Snake in 2025. Milton’s serpent plays a central role in Paradise Lost and we will work with a wide range of partners to explore serpent stories across cultures as we encourage young people to get creative and express themselves in the place where Milton completed his epic masterpiece.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported this year’s campaign, which has guaranteed a fantastic Christmas for Milton’s Cottage. It also ensures we enter 2025 with the resources we need to support our core costs and engage new audiences with Milton’s legacy.
We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and look forward to keeping you updated about our 2025 Year of the Snake.