Benefits of membership
To support us directly, please donate above via Paypal or credit/debit card:
Free access to the Cottage, museum and literary garden
Discounts on courses and other activities
Invitation to social events
Invitation to cultural events
Receipt of the newsletter or other unique material by email
Joining the Friends allows members to keep abreast of news in the wider Milton community and hear the leading Miltonist deliver the fruits of their recent research.
To join the International Friends of Milton’s Cottage, please download the application form here.
Tax efficient giving for non UK citizens
Milton’s Cottage Trust CIO is a UK registered charity. US taxpayers can benefit by making their donation to a number of Milton-friendly organizations that qualify for donor tax relief under IRS code 501 (c)3. For US taxpayers, we have a partnership with the British Schools and Universities Foundation Inc in New York.
To obtain tax deduction, please donate direct to BSUF with the attached donation form.
If you pay tax in both the UK and the USA, you can also take advantage of tax benefits in both countries by making your gift via a dual-qualified charity. We will benefit from UK Gift Aid, which increases the value of your donation by 25% at no cost to you, while you will benefit from tax allowances from both fiscal systems.
For other countries or for further information about the most tax efficient methods of making a donation please contact John Dugdale Bradley Trustee of Milton’s Cottage Trust CIO on +44 7703 572344 or by email to
To support us directly, please subscribe below via Paypal or credit/debit card: