8 November 2024
To commemorate the 350th anniversary of Milton’s death we worked with partners around the world to stage a 24-hour shared reading of his work.
Launching at Bread Street in London, where Milton was born, and culminating at St Giles Cripplegate, where he’s buried, we travelled to a wide range of venues with Miltonic connections and collections en route – engaging hundreds of readers in the process.
We hope you enjoy the results.
Click here to watch on YouTube

Friday 8th November 2024
Start time (GMT) Work/s
11am Juvenalia & early works
11.50am L’Allegro & Il Penseroso
Midday Arcades
12.15pm A Maske
1.15pm Lycidas, early sonnets & Epitaphium Damonis
1.30pm Italian sonnets (2-6)
1.38pm Epitaphium Damonis & sonnets 7-10
1.55pm Excerpts from the Divorce tracts
2. 25pm Areopagitica
4.25pm Sonnets 11-14
4.30pm Excerpts from The Tenure of Kings & Magistrates
5.10pm Excerpts from Eikonoklastes
5.40pm Excerpts from Defensio pro Populo Anglicano
6.40pm Excerpts from Defensio Secunda
7.10pm Sonnets 15-23
7.30pm Paradise Lost – Book I (America)
8.15pm Paradise Lost – Book II (Canada)
9.15pm Paradise Lost – Book III (America)
10.05pm Paradise Lost – Book IV (America)
11.15pm Paradise Lost – Book V (New Zealand)
Saturday 9th November
Start time (GMT) Works
12.15am Paradise Lost – Book VI (Australia)
1.10am Paradise Lost – Book VII (Japan)
1.55am Paradise Lost – Book VIII (South Korea)
2.40am Paradise Lost – Book IX (China
3.45am Paradise Lost – Book X (China)
04.50am Paradise Lost – Book XI (India)
05.50am Paradise Lost – Book XII (Georgia)
6.30am Samson Agonistes
9.30am Paradise Regain’d
We would like to thank the many partners who have made this event possible, including the Australian Catholic University, British Milton Seminar, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Zhejiang University, Christ’s College Cambridge, Club Literati, International Milton Symposium, Mason Korea, Massey University, Milton Association of Japan, Milton Society of America, Milton Society of Georgia, People Pile, Rooftop Theatre, St Paul’s School, Shakespeare’s Globe Centre New Zealand, University of Otago, University of Birmingham, University of Sydney & University of Wollongong.
Many thanks, as well, to our project funders: Art Fund & Association of Independent Museums (AIM).